It's More Expensive to Do Nothing features interviews with more than 25 experts in the fields of law enforcement, law, politics, life training, addiction treatment, and childhood development. Also bearing witness are ex-offenders who have benefited from remediation and turned their lives around.
The first woman to serve as D.A. for San Diego County, Bonnie Dumanis has earned a national reputation as a law-enforcement leader and innovator. With public safety as her top priority, her office has maintained a 94 percent conviction rate, while also focusing on crime prevention, stopping the revolving door to prison, and helping victims. Dumanis' office is leading California in implementing a prisoner reform program authorized by California Senate Bill 618.
Dr. Perry is a child psychiatrist, author, and internationally recognized authority on children in crisis. He is the Senior Fellow of the ChildTrauma Academy, and an Adjunct Professor of Psychiatry at Northwestern University School of Medicine. An active clinician and researcher, Dr. Perry has consulted on numerous high-profile incidents involving traumatized children, including the Columbine school shootings, the 9/11 terrorist attacks, and Hurricane Katrina. He has been featured on NPR, CNN, the Oprah Winfrey Show, and many other media outlets.
Chief Jenkins has worked in the criminal justice field for more than 28 years. He has played key roles in drug-court programs as well as programs for the supervision of domestic-violence and sex offenders. He has also worked with incarcerated juvenile offenders and provided training to criminal-justice professionals throughout the country on topics pertaining to substance abuse.
In addition to his work at the University of Pennsylvania's Treatment Research Institute (TRI) and the National Association of Drug Court Professionals (NADCP), Dr. Marlowe is the author of over 125 articles and chapters on crime and drug abuse, the Editor-in-Chief of the Drug Court Review, and on the editorial board of Criminal Justice and Behavior. His research focuses on drug-abuse treatment and the effects of diversion programs for drug-abusing offenders.
After a long and distinguished career in law, justice, and mediation, Judge Milliken focused his attention on the needs of abused and neglected children. He is the founder of the San Pasqual Academy, a unique boarding school offering San Diego County an alternative to a flawed foster-care system, and its students a safe environment in which to grow into happy, productive adults.
A noted physician and researcher on the negative impacts of adverse childhood experiences on adults, Dr. Felitti is one of the principal investigators of the Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) Study. Dr. Felitti is also Clinical Professor of Medicine at UC San Diego, a fellow of the American College of Physicians, and president and CEO of California Institutes of Preventive Medicine.
Hamid Ghodse is the director of the International Centre for Drug Policy at St. George's University of London; the president of the European Collaborating Centers for Addiction Studies; and a member of the Scientific Committee on Tobacco and Health (United Kingdom), the Medical Studies Committee (University of London), and the World Health Organization's Advisory Panel on Alcohol and Drug Dependence.
Dr. Deitch has 40 years' experience in the development of drug abuse treatment systems for adolescents and adults. He has served in the Johnson and Carter administrations, for the United Nations, and on the faculty of universities across the United States. Currently he serves on boards and committees dedicated to research in substance abuse, and consults on issues of justice and health in South America, Europe, and Asia.
Scott Silverman is recognized both locally and nationally as a leader in the field of workforce development. He is the recipient of numerous awards and honors, including CNN's Hero of the Week Award and the selection of February 19 as Scott Silverman Day by the city of San Diego. Silverman is the founder and executive director of Second Chance, a human services agency committed to breaking the cycle of unemployment, poverty, and homelessness.
The director of the Center for Criminality & Addiction Research, Training & Application (CCARTA), Dr. Koutsenok has been a key figure in many programs dedicated to the treatment of substance abuse and addiction, including training and education of criminal-justice professionals. Along with Dr. David Deitch, he was instrumental in the passage of California Senate Bill 618, which provides for an innovative, multi-agency program for reducing recidivism in nonviolent parolees by providing job training, counseling, and treatment.
Phaedon Kaloterakis has been involved in the drug-addiction field since 1981. He is the representative of KETHEA (the largest and oldest substance-abuse organization in Greece) at the Economic and Social Council at the United Nations, and a member of the board of the International Federation of Non-Government Organizations.
The founder of the Homeless Court Program, Steve Binder has received numerous awards for his work with homeless veterans. He is a Fellow with Ashoka Innovators for the Public-working to further replication of the Homeless Court Program-and a Special Advisor and former Chair to the ABA Commission on Homelessness and Poverty.
Voices from the Film
"If politicians and policy makers knew what I knew, they would do things completely differently. It makes long-term economic sense to take care of these people in a humane way, and help them heal."
– Bruce Perry, MD, PhD
"If I were king, I would statutorily mandate recovery and reading remediation as conditions of release from prison."
– Honorable James Milliken
"No investment can be greater than rescuing people who have problems, so they can become an engine for the progression of economic recovery, rather than going in and out of prison in a circle of crime."
– Hamid Ghodse, MD, PhD
"If you want to see a change in your community immediately, put your money into community treatment and correctional supervision. It's always more expensive to do nothing than to do something."
– Douglas Marlowe, JD, PhD

Bonnie M. Dumanis, JD
San Diego County District Attorney

Bruce Perry, MD, PhD
Fellow of the ChildTrauma Academy

Mack Jenkins
Chief Probation Officer, San Diego County

Douglas B. Marlowe, JD, PhD
Scientist, Treatment Research Institute; Chief of Science, Policy and Law, NADCP
In addition to his work at the University of Pennsylvania's Treatment Research Institute (TRI) and the National Association of Drug Court Professionals (NADCP), Dr. Marlowe is the author of over 125 articles and chapters on crime and drug abuse, the Editor-in-Chief of the Drug Court Review, and on the editorial board of Criminal Justice and Behavior. His research focuses on drug-abuse treatment and the effects of diversion programs for drug-abusing offenders.

Honorable James R. Milliken
Retired Presiding Judge of the San Diego Superior and Juvenile Court

Vincent Felitti, MD
Founding head, Department of Preventive Medicine, Kaiser Permanente

Hamid Ghodse, MD, PhD
Professor of psychiatry and international drug policy, University of London

David Deitch, PhD
Professor of clinical psychiatry, UCSD; director of the Addiction Training Center, UCSD

Scott H. Silverman
Director of Second Chance; author of Tell Me No. I Dare You! A Guide for Living a Heroic Life

Igor Koutsenok, MD, MS
Associate Professor of psychiatry, UC San Diego; director of CCARTA

Phaedon Kaloterakis, PhD
Assistant Director of KETHEA (Therapy Center for Dependent Individuals), Athens, Greece
Phaedon Kaloterakis has been involved in the drug-addiction field since 1981. He is the representative of KETHEA (the largest and oldest substance-abuse organization in Greece) at the Economic and Social Council at the United Nations, and a member of the board of the International Federation of Non-Government Organizations.

Steven Binder, JD
Deputy Public Defender, San Diego County